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Паттерны и их изменение (рабочие материалы лаборатории)

Распрограммирование паттернов

Распрограммирование паттернов - это, фактически, про unlearning, про то, чтобы разучиться делать то, чему ты когда-то научился и что в тот момент и ситуации было эффективно и оправдано, но потом перестало быть нужным.

Про unlearning и нейрологию - N.Doidge,"The brain that changes itself":

«The science of unlearning is a very new one. Because [brain] plasticity is competitive, when a person develops a neural work, it becomes efficient and self-sustaining and, like a habit, hard to unlearn. Different chemistries are involved in learning than in unlearning. When we learn something new, neurons fire together and wire together, and a chemical process occurs ath the neuronal level called «long-term potentiation», which strenthens the connections between the neurons. When the brain unlearns associations and disconnects neurons, another chemical process occures, called «long-tearm depression» (which has nothing to do with a depressed mood state). Unlearning and weakening connections between neurons is just as plastic process, and just as important, as learning and strenthening them. If we only strenthened connections, our neuronal networks would get saturated. Evidence suggests that unlearning existing memories is necessary to make room for new memories in our network.

Unlearning is essential when we are moving from one developmental stage to the next. When at the end of adolescence a girl leaves home to go to college in another state, for example, both she and her parents undergo grief and massive plastic change, as they alter old emotional habits, routines and self-images. […] Walter J.Freeman, a professor of neuroscience at Berkley, as the first to make the connection between love and massive unlearning. He has assembled a number of compelling biological facts that point toward the conclusion that masssive neuronal reorganization occurs at two life stages: when we fall in love and when we begin parenting. Freeman argues that massive plastic brain reorganization - far more massive than in normal learning or unlearning - becomes possible because of brain neuromodulator.

Neuromodulator are different from neurotransmitters. While neurotransmitters are realeased in the synapses to excite or inhibit neurons, neuromodulators enhance or diminish the overall effectiveness of the synaptic connections and bring about enduring change. Freeman believes that when we commit in love the brain neuromodulator oxytocin is released, allowing existing neuronal connections to melt away so that changes on a large scale can follow. Oxytocin is sometimes called the commitment neuromodulator because it reinforces bonding in mammals. It is connected when lovers connect and make love - in humans oxytocin is released in both sexes during orgasm - and when couples parent and nurture their children. […]Whereas dopamine induces excitement, puts us into high gear, and triggers sexual arousal, oxytocin induces a calm, warm mood that increases tender feelings and attachment and lead us to trust. […] Freeman proposes that oxytocin melts down existing neuronal connections that underlie existing attachements, so new attachments can be formed. Oxytocin, in this theory, does not parents to parent. Nor does it make lovers cooperative and kind; rather it makes possible for them to learn new patterns.»

Идеи про паттерны

  • (crazy idea) Применять репаттернирование/реимпрининг во время оргазма, когда высвобождается много окситоцина.