

Страсть (passion) – сильное и практически неконтролируемое желание делать что-либо. Предпосылка успеха - делать что-то, к чему у вас есть страсть, чего вы не можете не делать.

Способы открытия страсти

Вопросы для нахождения страсти

Finding Your Passion by Cheryl Richardson

Ten Questions to Find Your Passion

1. If you could only have one section of the bookstore that you could visit, which section would it be?

2. When you pick up a newspaper or magazine, what kind of news stories are you drawn to first?

3. Which catalogs to you have a really hard time letting go of? How come? What is it in that catalog that you feel most drawn to?

4. Name the first three books that come to mind that strike you as your favorite books?

5. Name your three favorite movies?

6. Who do you envy and why? What is it about them that you envy?

7. Who's life would you love to have?

8. If you were allowed to make one powerful positive change, what would it be?

9. What intersts, hobbies, or careers would you like kids to get involved in?

10. Recall one time in the last week that you felt strongly about something?

Other questions about you and your passion

Questions to ask someone already working in the field you want to explore

1. If you had it all to do over again, how would you do it differently?
2. What was your path of development? (permission to do bullet points)
3. What kinds of skills do you think someone like me needs to invest my time, energy, and money into?
4. Where do I not need to spend my time, energy, and money?
5. What do you really love about what you do?
6. What drives you crazy?
7. Can you give me some examples of ups and downs that you've been faced with?

«Action opens us up to passion.»